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Translating LiberaForms

If you would like to help, thank you very much!

LiberaForms is made up of five different parts

  1. The server
  2. Data display component
  3. GDPR wizard
  4. Form templates
  5. Form Builder

Each of these projects require translation.

We encourage you to use Weblate to translate LiberaForms. You can see an overview here.

1. The server

The server generates web pages and runs background tasks like sending emails.

Translation status

This set of translations includes both:

  1. Normal interface text, such as buttons, page titles and explanations
  2. Inline help, concise documentation included in the interface

Use the Weblate page here to translate the server.


We use the standard gettext format to include variables in the translation.
You must not translate variables, but leave them as they are.

English: Hello %(username)s!
Spanish: ¡Hola %(username)s!

The variable %(username)s is automatically replaced with another text, in this case the user's name.

We also use a non-standard syntax to convert a part of a sentence into an HTML link.

English: If you want to help, please read our $$documentation about translating$$ to learn how.
Spanish: Si quieres ayudar, lee nuestra $$documentación sobre cómo traducir$$.

The text between the $$ and $$ is converted to a link.

Markdown files

There are also two Markdown files that need to be translated.

  1. The site blurb. This is the text that is displayed on the /index page by default.
  2. Wizard disclaimer. Users are required to read this text before using the GDPR wizard.

To translate these files you can either:

  • Create a Gitlab account and make a merge request to this branch
  • Send your translation by email to

2. Data display component

This component is used in many places throughout the interface to display different types of data.

Translation status

Use the Weblate page here to translate the Data display component.


You must not translate variables, but leave them as they are.

English: Displaying {filtered} of {total}
Spanish: Mostrando {filtered} de {total}

The variables {filtered} and {total} are replaced with other texts, in this case with numbers.

3. GDPR wizard

This application helps users write a suitable text that complies with the General Data Protection Law (GDPR).

Translation status

Use the Weblate page here to translate the GDPR wizard.

The wizard includes some legal jargon. If in doubt, please contact

4. Form templates

Users can create forms with these form templates.

Translation status

Use the Weblate page here to translate the form templates.

5. Form Builder

Users assemble forms using this interface area.

Translation status

Use the Weblate page here to translate the Form Builder.


Your contribution is licensed under the CC-BY-SA-4.0.

Thanks again

It is important to us to bring LiberaForms to as many people as possible in their native tonge.

For any questions or enquiries please get in touch via